Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Ellinogermaniki Agogi is an educational organization of private law, officially recognized by the state. It is an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance Education Network) and of STEDE (Science Teacher Education Development in Europe) network. Ellinogermaniki Agogi was the national representative of the Greek Ministry of Education in the International exhibition “Salon de l’ education” that was held in November 2000 in Paris in the framework of the e-Learning Initiative of the European Commission.
Ellinogermaniki Agogi was the first Greek educational organization, which applied ODL in secondary level education in the year of 1993. Since 1995, the organization has established a devoted department, the Research and Development Department for the design, development and implementation of the research activities in education, expanding the collaboration with Universities and pedagogical Institutions across Europe, as it provides the best test bed for research applications. The research work of the department focuses on the following areas:
a) the development of methodologies and empirical research to investigate processes of learning and knowledge acquisition in various subject-matter areas (physics, mathematics, biology, history, etc);
b) the collaboration with computer science departments and artificial intelligence labs for the development of computational models and Ambient Intelligence systems (wearable computers, embedded devices);
c) the collaboration with Universities and private companies for the development and testing of educational software; and
d) the design of technology-supported learning environments. The Department employs 20 persons (10 PhD level, 10 MSc). During the last years the Research and Development Department of Ellinogermaniki Agogi has coordinated and supported the participation of the organization in European and National projects (more than 50 RTD projects), in many different research fields (see table below).
The Research and Development Department has recently initiate a distance training scheme in order to train in new technologies teachers from the small islands of Aegean Sea (with less than 5000 people). Among the other activities the research group of Ellinogermaniki Agogi is the author of the new official books (after a National contest organised by the Pedagogical Institute of the Greek Ministry of Education) for science and physics teaching for the last two grades of elementary school and the last two grades of high-school. The books were introduced in all Greek classrooms in September 2001.
Ellinogermaniki Agogi School
EA School covers every degree of education from nursery to upper secondary being a pilot school emphasizing in foreign languages teaching, application of new technologies, extensive use of the laboratory in natural sciences teaching and research in education. EA School teaches the English and German languages intensively from nursery school.
Operating for 39 years in the educational sector, with 1800 students and personnel of 300 people (205 scientific and 95 administrative), it is one of the greatest educational institutions in Greece. It owns two fully equipped school campuses, with special classrooms for information technology, music, painting, physics, chemistry, biology, a library, projection room, theatre, sports hall and an indoor swimming pool. Through these means and facilities, the school provides its students the opportunity to get involved in various civil and social activities, reinforcing the level of education they get. In 1993 EA started a program to create the first Internet web site of a Greek school as well as a dial-up centre, providing students and teachers the opportunity to cooperate with schools from many different countries abroad by direct communication from school or even from home, through their modem devices.
More details about Ellinogermaniki Agogi.
EA is part of the PENCIL project, and runs the Virtual Observatory pilot project.