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Xplora Newsletter Issue 21
September 2010

Welcome to the Xplora newsletter!

New school year, new projects! Take a look of this Xplora newsletter to find out about new science education projects, resources and events. In this issue, for example, NANOYOU is looking for new teachers and schools to join its team and is offering cool educational resources and games on nanotechnologies. You can also help us to improve the Xplora newsletter by taking the short Xplora survey!

Would you like to be featured in our newsletter or send us a contribution?
Contact: johanna.snellman@eun.org

Johanna Snellman
Xplora Web Editor

Click here to download the newsletter in pdf format.

In this issue:


- Call for contributions to the next newsletter


- Download the NANOYOU welcome pack for teachers
- Try out the IET Faraday resources for science, technology and maths education
- Microbiology online


- ZOOM - Kids on the Move for Climate Action
- Register now for the ITEMS teacher training courses on electricity and functions


- Join the Nano Educators
- Surprisingly fun science: Great success for Xperimania workshops
- ITEMS teachers meet to share experiences and plan the next steps
- SPICE Second Panel Meeting


- Get new ideas for science lessons from Scientix community
- It's your turn to save energy: Join u4energy!
- Bringing Polar Science to the classroom


- Submit your science education project for the eLearning Awards 2010 competition
- Europeans are more interested in science than sport
- Join the session on “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners” in the European Parliament in Brussels!
- Design your own periodic table
- Ecsite Annual Conference 2011 – Call for proposals is open
- Have your say on the Xplora newsletter



Call for contributions to the next newsletter
We would like to invite you to send us your contributions for the next issue of the newsletter! Send short reports with a link to additional information on news, events, awards, best practices, etc. relating to maths, science, technology and environment education.
Please send your contributions to johanna.snellman@eun.org by 8 October 2010!


Download the NANOYOU welcome pack for teachers
A series of learning resources for use in the classroom has been produced as part of the NANOYOU project. These resources allow teachers to engage their pupils in interesting school activities around the topic of nanotechnologies. The pack includes experiments and modules for teachers and students, games, a jigsaw puzzle, posters, and much more.
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Try out the IET Faraday resources for science, technology and maths education
The educational resources provided by the UK based Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) through the Faraday programme are designed to inspire students to study science, design, technology and engineering. The materials have been designed to fit UK curricula, but can be used as inspiration for all science and technology teachers. The teaching materials, including learning resources, films and games, are divided by theme: Urban Evolution, Engineering in Sports and Technology for Life.
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Microbiology online
This inspirational online resource provided by the Society for General Microbiology, UK, supports the teaching and learning of microbiology in the classroom. It explores how microbes can be both friend and foe, and why we need these invisible organisms to live.
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ZOOM - Kids on the Move for Climate Action
The Climate Alliance of European Cities once again invites children from all over Europe to collect Green Footprints to help save the world’s climate. Through an activities week dedicated to sustainable mobility and climate change as well as the fun of movement and independent mobility, kids can raise their awareness of their daily journeys and learn how to treat the world's climate with care. Each journey completed by foot, bike, roller skates, scooter, bus, or train, etc. counts as one "Green Footprint".
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Register now for the ITEMS teacher training courses on electricity and functions
ITEMS (Improving Teacher Education in Maths and Science) is organising in October 2010 two online training courses for teachers: “Electricity” and “Introduction to functions – Linear function”. Participants can re-use the ready-made courses in their own teaching.
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Join the Nano Educators
Are you interested in teaching nanotechnologies? Join the Nano Educators team and receive creative and interesting activities and materials for teaching nanosciences.
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Surprisingly fun science: Great success for Xperimania workshops
The Xperimania Science Ambassadors’ tour in spring 2010 reached nearly 400 students in schools across Europe. Both teachers and students were very happy with the science workshops: "I never thought chemistry could be so much fun," was how one participant summed up his experience.
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ITEMS teachers meet to share experiences and plan the next steps
The ITEMS Teachers Conference, which will be held on 10-12 September 2010, aims to share teachers’ experiences of implementing ITEMS modules in science teaching, to encourage networking between schools and to discuss further steps to take.
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SPICE Second Panel Meeting
On 17-19 September 2010 the SPICE teachers and science education experts from 16 participating countries will meet for the second time to discuss and analyze innovative pedagogical practices in maths, science and technology.
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Get new ideas for science lessons from the Scientix community
Why not start the new school year by joining the Scientix community and share your experiences in science education with colleagues from across Europe? The community has separate discussion forums for each country and for different projects, and is open for everyone to join. Also, don’t forget the new science education projects and resources published on the portal!
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It's your turn to save energy: Join u4energy!
Teachers and students from all over Europe are invited to take part in u4energy, a new, challenging, pan-European competition for primary and secondary schools. The aim is to encourage students to contribute innovative ideas on reducing energy consumption and to raise awareness on how to use energy more responsibly.
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Bringing Polar Science to the classroom
In this interview by the International Polar Foundation, three Belgian teachers explain how they have brought polar topics to their pupils and why they think teaching these subjects is important. The interview includes some nice links and tips for geography, environmental science and even language classes.
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Submit your science education project for the eLearning Awards 2010 competition
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the eLearning Awards, European Schoolnet invites all schools and teacher training institutions to present their best projects making use of ICT for teaching and learning. A special category for science projects will award the best initiatives in maths, science and technology education.
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Europeans are more interested in science than sport
According to a recent Eurobarometer report, nearly 80% of Europeans say they are interested in scientific discoveries and technological developments, compared to 65% interested in sport. 66% of Europeans believe governments should do more to increase young people’s interest in scientific issues and 58% agree or tend to agree that young people who are interested in science have a better chance of getting a job.
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Join the session on “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners” in the European Parliament in Brussels!
Raise your students’ interest in careers in science and technology! After last year’s successful first edition, the Second European Innovation Summit will take place from 11 to 14 October this year in the European Parliament in Brussels. Like the 2009 premiere, it will open with a session entitled “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners”, aiming to increase students’ interest in careers in science and technology. About 200 secondary school students from 14 years onwards from all EU Member States are invited to attend the event; many more will be able to follow it online.
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Design your own periodic table
Celebrate 2011, International Year of Chemistry (IYC), by having your students participate in the Chem 13 News Periodic Table project. The goal is to have chemistry students from around the world join together to create an original and imaginative version of the periodic table.
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Ecsite Annual Conference 2011 – Call for proposals is open
In 2011 the Ecsite Annual Conference will take place in Warsaw, Poland, from 26 to 28 May. If you are interested in proposing a session on science communication, or on next year's theme of Freedom, submit your proposal via the Ecsite conference website by 29 October 2010. The conference is a highlight for everyone working in science centres, museums, research institutes or universities!
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Have your say on the Xplora newsletter
To enable us to continue improving the Xplora newsletter and to help us better understand your information requirements we have launched a short reader survey.The survey will only take a couple of minutes of your time, but will give us plenty of useful information to provide even better Xplora services in the future.
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ITEMS teachers conference
10-12 September 2010
Alicante, Spain

The ITEMS Teachers Conference, which will be held on 10-12 September 2010, aims to share teachers’ experiences of implementing ITEMS modules in science teaching, to encourage networking between schools and to discuss further steps to take.

British Science festival
14-19 September 2010
Birmingham, UK

The British Science Festival is one of Europe's largest science festivals. This year’s theme is 'Better lives through science'. Expect to see, hear and discover what is happening in the world and how scientific research impacts on all our lives: from health to climate change to food security and magical chemistry.

Organic Edunet European conference
16-17 September 2010
Budapest, Hungary

This conference focuses on Learning Methodologies in Agriculture and, more specifically, on Organic Agriculture and Ecology. The conference will present projects in agricultural and ecological education, learning techniques, methodologies, repositories and platforms and innovative ICT tools for knowledge dissemination.

SPICE Second Panel Meeting
17-19 September 2010
Lisbon, Portugal

On 17-19 September 2010 the SPICE teachers and science education experts from 16 participating countries will meet for the second time to discuss and analyze innovative pedagogical practices in maths, science and technology.

ENO tree planting event
21 September 2010

The ENO (Environment Online) Tree Planting Day is an open event for schools and groups that is held twice a year, in May and in September, around the world. The first trees will be planted at noon in Oceania. Following the sun, new trees will be planted in Asia, Europe and Africa, with the chain of trees finally reaching the Americas.

ICT in Education (HCICTE 2010)
23-26 September 2010
Korinthos, Greece

The ICT in Education Conference covers technological, pedagogical, organisational, instructional as well as policy aspects of ICT in Education and e-Learning. Special emphasis is given to applied research relevant to educational practice guided by the educational realities in schools, colleges, universities and informal learning organisations.

European Union Contest for Young Scientists
24-29 September 2010
Lisbon, Portugal

This year’s European Union Contest for Young Scientists is being held in Lisbon from 24-29 September. The EUCYS – European Union Contest for Young Scientists is an initiative created by the European Commission with a goal of promoting the science interchange between young scientists and guiding them to a future in science and technology.

October month of Knowledge
1-31 October 2010
The Netherlands

October Month of Knowledge is the biggest science and technology event in the Netherlands and is held annually from 1 to 31 October. During the month, universities, research institutes, observatories, companies, museums and libraries open their doors to help bring science and technology closer to the public.

ITEMS Teacher training course: Electricity
4-29 October 2010

The aim of this ITEMS (Improving Teacher Education in Maths and Science) online course is to present teaching and learning materials on elementary electricity targeted at students aged 12-16. The materials encourage and enable students to learn through inquiry and are made available through Moodle. Simulations and animations are embedded into inquiry-based learning sequences to support real world activities. After this course, teachers are provided with a private copy of the materials to use interactively with their own students online if they wish.

International school congress: Energy efficiency in schools
7-8 October 2010
Stralsund, Germany

Schools are important public energy consumers. Energy efficiency in schools can contribute to climate protection and offers a background against which young people can learn the skills required for a sustainable lifestyle. This event is an opportunity to exchange experiences on good approaches to energy efficiency and renewable energies in schools. It is also the final event of the European project: Energy – Education – Governance – Schools (EGS).

Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners
11-14 October 2010
Brussels, Belgium

The “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners” event is organised to raise young people’s interest in careers in science and technology. About 200 secondary school students from 14 years onwards from all EU Member States are invited to attend this event held in Brussels; many more students will be able to follow it online.

2010 Earthwatch Debate
14 October 2010
London, UK

At this annual debate, finalists from Earthwatch’s 2010 Citizen Scientist Competition will argue that their originally conceived and designed volunteer-based research project would help to solve a critical environmental issue. Finalists will present their research proposals, after which they will be cross examined, Dragon’s Den-style, by a panel of experts. The audience will then vote on the winner, who will receive the Earthwatch Citizen Scientist Award and two places on an Earthwatch expedition in 2011.

Science Days
14-16 October 2010
Rust, Germany

The main topic of this year’s Science Days held in Rust, Germany, is energy. More than 90 institutions will offer workshops, hands-on experiments and science shows. The event is aimed at children, youngsters and adults, who will be encouraged to engage in the fast changing and complex world of science and technology.

ITEMS Teacher training course: Introduction to functions - Linear function
18 October – 12 November 2010

The aim of this ITEMS (Improving Teacher Education in Maths and Science) online course is to present teaching and learning materials on functions in general and on linear functions in particular. The materials are targeted at students aged 14-16. The materials encourage and enable students to learn through inquiry and are made available through Moodle. Some Geogebra animations are embedded into inquiry-based learning sequences to support real world activities. After this course, teachers are provided with a private copy of the materials to use interactively with their own students online if they wish.

Beyond the leaky pipeline – Challenges for research on gender and science
19-20 October 2010
Brussels, Belgium

The main objective of the conference is to present the conclusions of the study “Meta-analysis of gender and science research”, and to discuss with experts and policy-makers the possibilities and challenges for European and national research on gender and science as well as policies towards gender equality in science.

Safer internet Forum: How do children use online technologies?
21-22 October 2010

This year the Safer Internet Forum will focus on the results of two major research projects funded by the Safer Internet Programme: EUKidsOnline II, which surveyed children and parents in 25 European countries about internet use, and European Online Grooming Project, the first European research project studying the characteristics and behaviour of sexual offenders who have used the internet to groom young people.

Genoa Science festival
29 October – 7 November 2010
Genoa, Italy

The Genoa Science festival highlights the rigour and imagination that characterise the world of science and illustrates its beauty and fascination in a way that transforms the visitor from simple spectator into an active participant.

Science and technology week
1-7 November 2010
Czech Republic

Science and Technology Week, one of the largest science communication events in the Czech Republic, presents the latest scientific achievements and current research approaches.

ECEL 2010: 9th European Conference on eLearning
4-5 November 2010
Porto, Portugal

The European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL) brings together groups of people in a variety of areas related to e-Learning who are seeking to combine cutting-edge research with practical, real-life applications in order to advance the state of e-Learning around Europe.

European in-service training course: School and science museum
7-14 November 2010
Munich, Germany

The objective of the training course "School and science museum: cooperation for improving teaching, learning and discovery" is the development of knowledge and skills related to science education through the use of museums as an educational resource. The course is aimed at primary and secondary school teachers and museum educators.

ICERI2010: International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
15-17 November 2010
Madrid, Spain

This annual event brings together professionals in the field of Education, Research, Innovation and New Learning Technologies. It is an excellent opportunity to share your experiences and projects with educators and professionals from all around the world.

ONLINE EDUCA Berlin 2010
1-3 December 2010
Berlin, Germany

ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN is the largest global e-learning conference for the corporate and public service sectors in education and training. The annual event offers a forum for e-learning experts, experienced users, as well as newcomers to the field from all over the world to exchange ideas and make contacts.

Ecsite Directors’ Forum 2010
2-4 December 2010
London, UK

Faced with an ever-changing society and economy, how do science centres and museums adapt to the challenges that these changes bring? This year’s Ecsite Directors’ Forum will look at these questions on 2-4 December 2010 at the Natural History Museum in London.

Science festival Belgrade
3-5 December 2010
Belgrade, Serbia

The Science Festival Belgrade, organised this year for the fourth time, aims to show the youth of Belgrade and Serbia that science is an inseparable part of everyday life, and to provide an inspiring, refreshing and clear insight into all areas of science.

International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC): Official launching ceremony
27-28 January 2011
Paris, France

This two-day ceremony will feature eminent scientists and personalities from around the world. Global trends and perspectives will be debated, staging chemistry as one of the fundamental sciences.

The work presented in this newsletter is partially supported by NANOYOU (www.nanoyou.eu)

NANOYOU (Nano for Youth) is funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme.

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