Xplora Newsletter Issue 17
September 2009
Welcome to the 17th issue of the Xplora newsletter!
To better reach our readers and offer more up to date news and events, from now on the Xplora newsletter will come out every two months. Also the layout of the email newsletter is updated in this fresh, new style. Enjoy!
Would you like to be featured in our newsletter or send us a contribution? Contact johanna.snellman@eun.org
Johanna Snellman Xplora Web Editor
Click here to download the newsletter in pdf format.
In this issue:
Call for contributions for the next newsletter We would like to invite you to send us your contributions for the next issue of the newsletter! Send short references with a link to additional information on news, events, awards, best practices, etc. relating to maths, science, technology and environment education. Please send your contributions by 15 October 2009 to johanna.snellman@eun.org
Inspire learning object of the month: Maya Mathematics The Maya Mathematics was selected as the Learning Object of the month among the Inspire (Innovative Science Pedagogy in Research and Education) teachers. With the Maya Mathematics students can try out the Maya system for counting: instead of ten digits the Maya had a base number of 20, and a system of bar and dot as “shorthand” for counting. The Inspire teachers found this LO fun, interesting and highly motivating for the students. Read more
Top Five Physics Tricks Welcome to the physics in the field top tricks countdown chart! You can watch videos of the triumphant tricks and find out how to perform them yourself to wow your pupils or your friends. The website uncovers also the science behind the tricks and shows how they relate to your everyday life. Read more
The Vega Science Trust Videos The Vega Science Trust is a broadcast platform for science, technology, engineering and mathematics videos. The site includes a wide selection of lectures, discussions, interviews and research project presentations on different scientific subjects, at different levels. Read more
Search for other science resources at: http://www.xplora.org/ww/en/pub/xplora/library/resources.cfm
Visit the Xplora science education library at: http://www.xplora.org/ww/en/pub/xplora/library.htm
Teach Copyright Right - New Curriculum for Educators Industry materials have routinely compared downloading music to stealing a bicycle, even though many downloads are lawful, and making videos using short clips from other sources is treated as probably illegal even though many such videos are also lawful. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) created Teaching Copyright curriculum and website to help educators give students the real story about their digital rights and responsibilities on the Internet and beyond. Read more
ZOOM - Kids on the move to protect the global climate The Climate Alliance invites children all over Europe to carry out an activity week dedicated to sustainable mobility and climate change, focusing on the fun of movement and independent mobility. The Zoom – Kids on the Move 2009 –campaign encourages kids to make their daily journeys in an environmental-friendly way and discover how this contributes to treat the world's climate with care. Read more
Discover Primary Science The Discover Primary Science programme is intended to be an invaluable resource for teachers and students alike by helping young children to understand that science isn't just about people in white coats carrying out difficult experiments. The resources provided for all participating teachers will help to demonstrate that science is about fun, discovery and adventure, and it is something which is fundamentally relevant to our everyday lives. Read more
Plant Trees for Environment The Environment Online (ENO) opens the school year in a special way: schools around the world are invited to plant trees at midday on 21 September. Through the tree planting the ENO wants to remind schools about the nature and the importance of environmental protection. Read more
The Inspire community of practice launched during the summer school Inspire invites teachers to join the new Community of Practice to discuss digital learning objects in Maths, Science and Technology (MST). The online community was launched during the Inspire summer school held in the beautiful village of Wals, in Austria. Read more
Subscribe as a pilot school for NANOYOU! NANOYOU is a new project focused on informing and encouraging young students about nanotechnology properties. Schools from around Europe can now register to the project and receive many creative and interesting activities and materials about nanotechnologies for the classroom. Read more
Join the “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners” session in the European Parliament! To raise students’ interest in science and technology the first European Innovation Summit on 13 October 2009 will start with a session entitled “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners”. About 750 students aged 12-21 from EU Member States are invited to the session in the European Parliament building. Read more
Take Your Classroom into Space – an education activity on the International Space Station In September European students can follow an education activity carried out by ESA astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS). The ‘Take your classroom into space' activity is part of the education programme of ESA's Directorate of Human Spaceflight planned for ESA astronaut Frank De Winne's OasISS mission. Read more
Study on Science Aspirations and Career Choice: Age 10-14 The Science Aspirations and Career Choice: Age 10-14 Project is a five year longitudinal study aiming to develop a better understanding why young people are not interested in scientific careers, and to create a new vision of why careers in science matter, both within schools and in the wider context of society. Read more
eLearning awards 2009: register your school project and win a prize! For the ninth consecutive year, European Schoolnet is organising the eLearning Awards, Europe's leading competition to reward excellence and best use of technology in education. Schools and teacher training institutions are invited to take part and register to present their best projects making use of ICT for teaching and learning. Read more
ICT Gender Gap: Stereotyped Thinking Continues to Impact Females' Choice for Tech Careers A high number of female students are not pursuing further studies or careers in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, despite having good basic computing skills, according to a study and white paper by European Schoolnet, commissioned by Cisco. Read more
Win 100 hours of telescope time for hands-on astronomy teaching 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy, celebrating 400 years since Galileo first pointed his telescope at the moon. To commemorate the event MyTelescope.com is launching the Sky Prize contests in which the first offering is a teaching prize of 400 hours of telescope time - 4 prizes of 100 hours each - for hands on astronomy teaching purposes. Read more
Open Science Resources Kicked Off Open Science Resources (OSR) is a collaborative project co-funded by the European Commission under the eContentplus programme. The project kicked off in July 2009 and will continue for 36 months. The aim of the OSR project is to create a shared repository of scientific digital objects - currently dispersed in European science museums and science centres - to make them more widely and coherently available, searchable and usable in the context of formal and informal learning situations. Read more
Take part in the science writing competition How to write a good science story? Science in School is looking for talented young science writers among students at secondary schools around Europe. The topic can be anything related to science that the students are interested in. The end result should be an interesting science article for a general audience. The deadline for the competition is 15 October 2009. Read more
Universities for children expand across Europe Children's universities are the latest innovation occurring in some countries of Europe. Aimed at young girls and boys, this concept gets young children interested in science and research at the earliest age possible. Now, this exciting concept is being launched all over Europe. Read more
Energy state of the art in European schools Energy education as an integral part of the school curriculum can contribute to produce energy-literate European citizens. The energy state of the art in European schools is now studied through a survey conducted in the “Energy, Education, and Governance Schools” (EGS) -project organized by the European Commission. The study reveals that schools want to be good examples in their energy behaviour being an educator of (new) energy consumers, and that energy is integrated in many subjects, but that schools’ actual options to be consumer models and make their own energy policy seem to be determined by the type of the school building itself. Read more
Europe and me: A resource kit on European Citizenship Education The Network of European Foundations (NEF) and European Schoolnet invite teachers to explore and integrate this resource kit into their teaching and learning activities in schools. For science subjects there is a kit on Environmental education. Read more
2ways: Communication of Life Science Research The 2ways project introduces a new approach to science communication in several ways. This will be done by producing interactive presentations of "new science" research projects within the members of the project coordinator, European Science Events Association (EUSCEA). The project includes also Science Parliaments, which are meeting-places for young people to discuss important issues of research. Finally, the project launches an "impact assessment" evaluation carried out in all the participating countries. Read more
New Women in Science book to celebrate the heroines of European science Many women, throughout the centuries, have managed to overcome their marginalisation and excel in their chosen field, making vital contributions to the sum of human knowledge. The Women in Science book produced by the European Commission tells the compelling stories of European women scientists throughout the ages. The book and its audio stories are downloadable online. Read more
European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) 11-16 September 2009 Paris, France The 21st edition of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) will be held at the Palais de la découverte in Paris (France) from September 11 to 16, 2009. The Contest is an annual showcase of the best of European student scientific achievement, giving students the opportunity to compete with the best of their contemporaries. Young scientists also have the chance to meet others with similar abilities and interests, and to be guided by some of the most prominent scientists. The participation is open only for projects which have won a top prize at one of the national young scientist competitions.
Exploring the World and Beyond: Young Children as Scientists 16 September 2009 Edinburgh, UK Successfully developing and maintaining children’s interest in science requires an approach that encourages and helps them to explore their environment, construct their own theories and create meaning. This conference will debate the issues raised by Children in Europe’s examination of science learning for young children and will include examples of innovative science projects for children aged 0-14 years from across the UK and Europe. Speakers include Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor for Scotland and Heather Reid, BBC Scotland’s Senior Broadcast Meteorologist.
Earth Science Teachers' Association (ESTA) Conference 18-20 September 2009 Southampton, UK This year's ESTA (Earth Science Teachers’ Association) conference will be held on 18-20 September 2009 at the National Oceanography Centre at Southampton, UK. The Conference theme is Integrated Earth Science. For further information contact linmarshall@btinternet.co.uk
Norway National Science Week: Research Days 18-27 September 2009 Norway In this yearly event research and knowledge institutions throughout Norway provide the general public with new insight into what they do. Events range from science fairs, demonstrations, lectures, “stand-up scientist” performances, exhibits and discussions, to tours, information stands, and cultural and hands-on activities.
Science Festival: XII Lower Silesian Science Festival 2009 18-23 September 2009, Wrocław, Poland 24-25 September 2009, Legnica, Poland 8-9 October 2009, Wałbrzych and Ząbkowice Śląskie, Poland 15-16 October 2009, Jelenia Góra, Poland This festival wants to promote science and its achievements, and outline the problems it can solve. This year's topic is 'Imagination and thought to go back further than the stars'.
Science Festival: XIII Festiwal Nauki Warszaw 19-28 September 2009 Warsaw, Poland The Warsaw Science Festival provides activities from all areas of science, aiming at the general public. The festival offers a special programme for school classes, including lectures and debates, to which a registration is required by 12 September 2009.
ENO Tree Planting Day 21 September 2009 Around the world The Environment Online (ENO) opens the school year in a special way: schools around the world are invited to plant trees at midday on 21 September. Through the tree planting the ENO wants to remind schools about the nature and the importance of environmental protection.
Danish Science Week 2009 21-25 September 2009 Denmark The theme of this year’s Danish Science Week is 'Building blocks', which covers everything from atoms, DNA and evolution, to engineering and building blocks of the Universe. Schools and universities, libraries, museums, science centers and companies, as well as volunteer speakers are encouraged to take part.
Edu-Tech Conference 2009: Technology in the Service of Education 23-25 September 2009 Milan, Italy Edu-Tech Conference 2009 is a training event primary targeted to teachers, educators and school directors. It is a meeting place where experts from around the globe can share their views and experiences on the theme “Technology in the service of Education”. From theory to best practices in using technology in education, Edu-Tech is where present learning practices meet future visions in education. Download the Edu-Tech Brochure in English.
Wiener Forschungsnacht - Forschen ist Kunst 25 September 2009 Wien, Austria The most efficient way to tackle existing stereotypes about scientists and science is to bring the general public into direct contact with science and scientists. This is the idea behind the Researchers' night in Wien on 25 September 2009. The programme will explore links between science and art and focus on hands-on experience of science, oral presentations of scientists explaining their work, and exhibition resulting from various calls and activities.
Educational Fair: EduNetwork 2009 25 September 2009 Saarbrücken, Germany The EduNetwork fair 2009 at Saarbrücken University is organized by THINK ING., MINT-EC and Science on Stage Germany to develop synergies. Lectures and worskhops are going to be held in five subject categories (mathematics, astronomy, nanotechnolgy, talent, SET in primary school). In an extended break, a fair/exhibition will take place. Everyone interested is welcome.
October Month of Knowledge 1-31 October 2009 The Netherlands The month-long event brings science and technology closer to the public under the theme 'Reis naar het onbekende' (Travel to the unknown), featuring the International Darwin Year and Year of Astronomy. Universities, research institutes, observatories, companies, museums and libraries will open their doors for young and old and educational materials will be available online.
Educational Fair: Games in the School 3 October 2009 Bern, Switzerland Games in the School, a fair for electronic games in the education, gives teachers, parents and pupils an opportunity to get to know the pedagogical aspects of games, and the games' producers a platform to present the games.
World Space Week 4-10 October 2009 Worldwide The World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. The week is coordinated by the United Nations with the support of World Space Week Association and local coordinators in many countries and is the largest annual public space event on Earth celebrated in over 50 Nations. Government agencies, industry, non-profit organizations, teachers, or even individuals can organize events to celebrate space.
COST and Ecsite Advanced Science Communication Training Course 5-6 October 2009 Mechelen, Belgium Science is all around us and communicating results to policy makers, ministers, industry, journalists, teachers and students is just as important as carrying out the research. COST and Ecsite are organising a pilot training course on advanced communication skills for Action Chairs and Vice-Chairs. Registration has already closed but if you wish to be included on the waiting list or would like to stay updated on future training opportunities, please register on the COST website.
Workshop: More Women, Better Jobs and Boosting Growth 8 October 2009 Brussels, Belgium In the midst of the economic crisis, the ICT sector is still growing! It is now the time to prepare for the future and ensure that when the crisis is over, the sector will have the necessary resources to respond to new challenges. At end of the mandate of Commissioner for Information Society and Media, Viviane Reding, this gender workshop aims to take stock of the progress made and present new initiatives and actions. Brainstorming sessions are also organised to work towards setting up a new agenda for Women in ICT. Participation in the Workshop is free of charge but there are is a limited number of places. Women and Space 8 October 2009 Rome, Italy Within the celebrations dedicated to the International Year of Astronomy, WOMEN AND SPACE aims to bring together some of the most brilliant and famous women working in space science, from space missions, to astrophysics, to literature. The invited speakers are: Amalia Ercoli Finzi, Margherita Hack, Francesca Matteucci, Pamela Ann Melroy, Alessandra Rotundi, Vera Rubin, Maria Zuber. Registration deadline is 25 September 2009.
Conference: Inspiring Climate Education 12-14 October 2009 Copenhagen, Denmark Are you interested in developing new methods of teaching climate change? Danish Science Communication sponsored by the Danish Ministry of Education welcomes you to ICE09 – Inspiring Climate Education conference organized on 12-14 October 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Europe's Future Nobel Prize Winners 13 October 2009 Brussels, Belgium To raise students’ interest in science and technology the first European Innovation Summit on 13 October 2009 will start with a session entitled “Europe’s Future Nobel Prize Winners”. About 750 students aged 12-21 from EU Member States are invited to the session in the European Parliament building.
Science Days 15-17 October 2009 Rust, Germany The main topics for this year “Science Days” in the Europa Park in Rust, Germany will be 'climate' and 'space expedition'. More than 100 institutions will offer workshops, hands-on experiments, science shows etc. For teachers and school classes, there is a special programme including a preparatory meeting and a tailored information-package. Registration is required.
Euroscience Mediterranean Event (ESME) 2009 15-19 October 2009 Athens, Greece Under the auspices of Euroscience, the European Association for the promotion of science and technology, ESME 2009 is the first in a series of biennial events, dedicated to scientific research and innovation. ESME provides a platform for dialogue on science and technology, society and policy, following the pattern of the Euroscience Open Forum, while focusing on the specific characteristics and needs of the Mediterranean region.
Safer Internet Forum 2009: Promoting Internet Safety in Schools 22-23 October 2009 Luxembourg The main theme of The Safer Internet Forum is "Promoting internet safety in schools". The forum is open for stakeholders from NGOs, governments, researchers, industry representatives, including Internet Service Providers, mobile network operators, social networking sites, software developers. The Safer Internet Forum will be preceded by the INSAFE Pan-European Youth Panel and a Teachers' Panel. Both meetings will take place on 21 October in Luxembourg and will be closed to the public. The main conclusions of both the Youth and the Teachers' Panel will be presented during the Safer Internet Forum.
Science Festival: Festival Della Scienza 23 October – 1 November 2009 Genoa, Italy This yearly festival is a chance for researchers, science-lovers, schools and families to meet. Meetings, workshops, shows and conferences are among the events organized.
International Climate Action Day 24 October 2009 Worldwide The European Energy-Education-Governance-Schools (EGS) projects supports the International Climate Action Day on October 24th. “We call all schools in Europe to join the action day, to carry out local actions and to publish these actions at the website www.350.org”, says the project manager, Marco Devetta.
AEC-NET Conference 26-30 October 2009 Sønderborg, Denmark Formerly known as the AEC International Teachers’ Conference, the AEC-NET Conference is an annual meeting since year 2001 that gathers secondary and high school teachers and educators from Asia and Europe who take a keen interest in fostering collaborations among their students using infocomm (ICT) methods and tools. The theme for the 8th AEC-NET Conference will be “The Impact of Climate Change and Sustainable Development within the School Community in Asia and Europe”.
Wallace & Gromit Present: A World of Cracking Ideas Exhibition Until 1 November 2009 London, UK Discover the incredible world of innovation at London’s Science Museum from 28 March to 1 November 2009. Take a look at the ideas that have shaped the world around us and learn about innovations that are happening today. The Oscar® winning duo Wallace and Gromit will be at the heart of this new interactive family-oriented experience. The website linked to the exhibition includes also educational resources to introduce students to the world of innovation and creativity.
Czech Science and Technology Week 2-8 November 2009 Czech Republic The Science and Technology Week is one of the largest science communication events in the Czech Republic presenting the latest scientific achievements and current research approaches. It is aimed at the general public and offers lectures, public debates, exhibitions, open days at science institutes, hands-on activities and much more.
7th International hands on! Europe Conference 3-6 November 2009 Paris, France In partnership with Hands On! Europe (association of children’s museums), the Cité organizes the network’s next Hands On! Europe Conference. The Cité is keen to share its experience and vision of children’s museology with participants while examining key issues. This is an important event for all those working at management level in children’s museums, educational administrators, science museums, arts centres, exhibition designers and facilitators, etc. for whom the main target audience is children aged 2 to 12. The subject of High Tech! High Touch! will be at the centre of debates.
Science Festival: Science Week 8-15 November 2009 Ireland Science Week is Ireland's biggest annual promotion of science to the general public. It is co-ordinated by the Discover Science & Engineering programme and offers a large variety lecture series, essay and photo competitions, showss and many other events across the whole country.
4th Daugavpils Science Festival 9-13 November 2009 Daugavpils, Latvia The aim of the Daugavpils Science Festival hosted by the the Daugavpils University is to popularize science and demonstrate that it can be understood by everyone. There will be lectures, competitions, discussions, hands-on activities, workshops, exhibitions, tours of science institutes and more.
Semana de la Ciencia 9-22 November 2009 Madrid, Spain During the Science Week in Madrid over 250 participating institutions offer guided tours, conferences, round tables, workshops, demos, science movies, science paths, arqueological, architectural and geological routes, exhitibions, competitions, and many other events and activities.
Science Festival 12-15 November 2009 Luxembourg The Science festival organised by the National Museum of Natural History and the National Research Fund (FNR) of Luxembourg invites the whole family to discover sciences by using all their senses. The festival will take place at the Cultural Centre, Neumünster Abbey and the National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg-Grund.
La Fête de la Science 16-22 November 2009 France The topic of this year’s La Fête de la Science is “The origins of life and the Universe: what evolutions, what revolutions?”. The events taking place throughout France are aimed at the general public: exhibitions, workshops, science cafes, visits to labs, natural and industrial sites, and much more.
Conference: ICT in Natural Science Education - 2009 26-29 November 2009 Siauliai, Lithuania We invite you to the international scientific conference “Information & Communication Technology in Science and Technology Education – 2009”, which will take place 26 - 29 November 2009 in the Conference centre of Siauliai University in Siauliai. The main aims of this conference are to disseminate ideas of natural science education, share experience among educators and search opportunities how to improve process of natural science & technology education applying modern information-communication technologies.
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2-4 December 2009 Berlin, Germany ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN is the largest global e-learning conference for the corporate and public service sectors in education and training. The annual event offers a forum for e-learning experts, experienced users, and apprentices from all over the world to exchange ideas and make contacts. Over 2000 delegates from more than 90 countries attend the conference, making ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN the most comprehensive annual meeting place for e-learning and distance education professionals.
Innovation and Creativity in the Hands of the Young 2009 2–4 December 2009 Reykjavik, Iceland This conference is of interest to a wide spectrum of audience, ranging from children and young people to industry and academia as well as policy makers, as its focus is on the interrelations between the different actors and sectors of society. Creativity and innovation are undoubtedly part of the resources that both nations and the global community need to harness, in order to get through the current global economic and social crisis. Dialogue about Innovation and Creativity in the Hands of the Young and practical examples from the Nordic countries of the use of innovative and creative talent depicted in the conference will feed into current debate and contribute to find solutions, alleviations of current crisis and further developments in the field. The Conference is a joint Nordic involvement in the European Year of Innovation and Creativity 2009 (EYIC 2009).