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Xperimania - new project on materials and chemistry


Project background
Attracting young talent has become a major challenge for the chemical industry and the petrochemical industry in particular. Statistics show that the number of young people opting for science education has dwindled frighteningly in Europe where the decline in chemical graduates is estimated to be around 10 % each year.

However, numerous studies on science teaching have shown that we should revise the way that science is taught in our schools, and promote pedagogical practices based on inquiry-based methods. Inquiry-based science education has proved its efficiency at both primary and secondary levels in increasing pupils’ interest and attainments levels while at the same time stimulating teacher motivation.

At a time when China and India are producing hordes of scientists, the European petrochemical industry is very much concerned by the lack of scientifically-educated young people and is putting every effort intro trying to boost their interest in science. More than ever, Europe needs to remain competitive both in terms of knowledge and innovation. Stepping up to the challenges of the modern world, be it in answering energy needs, addressing climate change or improving our health must be a priority.

There are many types of jobs available within the field of chemistry and the availability of a qualified and skilled labour force is essential for the long-term viability and innovative capacity of the European chemical industry.

About the project
Xperimania meets the needs for inquiry-based science education. The aim of this project is to help students in lower and secondary school classes (covering pupils aged 10-20) and their teachers to understand the wide variety of applications of petrochemistry and how this relatively new and fascinating science has contributed to the evolution of many day-to-day items. Participating to the following activities is a unique opportunity for students to stimulate their scientific and analytical observation.

Students are invited to participate in a variety of activities and a competition:

  • Timeline of everyday objects: investigate a discovery and illustrate what they have found out about it

  • Hands on experiments: set up an easy and fun experiment and upload lab reports on this website

  • Online chats with experts on specific topics related to petrochemistry.

The Xperimania project is coordinated by European Schoolnet on behalf of Appe, the Association of Petrochemicals Producers in Europe. For any questions about the project, its activities and competition send an email to xperimania@eun.org.

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