EMINENT Conference on Political Priorities for Education and the Role of Technology
230 participants from all over Europe and beyond met on 6-7 December 2007 in Brussels for the seventh edition of European Schoolnet’s EMINENT (Experts' Meeting in Education Networking) conference. The conference theme was “Political priorities for education and the role of technology”. The two-day discussions involved policy-makers from European Educational Authorities, as well as high profile politicians.
During the conference there were five plenary sessions, including the eLearning Awards ceremony. A series of workshops took place, covering four digital learning resources, online safety, e-maturity and .self-regulated personalised learning.
The plenary three focused on current issues in eLearning in schools. The session started by a presentation of the implication of the Rocard report which focuses on science education. Johannes Klumpers from DG Research, European Commission, explored in his presentation the uptake of science topics in schools. He said that increased attention to scientific culture is needed. The European Commission views this as important for the future of Europe in order to achieve a European Knowledge Society.
Additionally, parts of the recommendations of the Rocard Report suggest that new forms of pedagogy are needed, such as inquiry-based learning methods. Mr Klumpers also mentioned the future FP7 calls for proposals. One of the novel points in these projects will be the dissemination of results which will use a common service provided by the Commission.
Anja Balanskat, Insafe Project Manager at European Schoolnet, and Janice Richardson, Senior Analyst at European Schoolnet, presented the latest emerging issues and national responses in e-safety. European Schoolnet is the coordinator of INSAFE, a network of safer internet nodes throughout Europe. According to the speakers eSafety is one of the major challenges that teachers face nowadays. Two third of the countries who were surveyed in the recent European Schoolnet report on eSafety (soon available) have actions in place regarding this.
All the presentations of the conference: http://blog.eun.org/eminent/ Futher information about EMINENT: http://eminent.eun.org/