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Catch a Star 2008

This exciting international competition for school students returns for its sixth year. It is run by ESO (the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) and the EAAE (European Association for Astronomy Education).

Students can win a trip to visit the ESO Very Large Telescope on Cerro Paranal in Chile, and many other fantastic prizes.

Choose from three different competition categories:

Catch a Star Researchers:

Select an astronomical object, such as a star, galaxy, comet, planet, moon, or nebula. Become astronomical detectives, forming teams to research your chosen object. Write an article about it, to learn and share some of its secrets. Projects must be written in English, and prizes are awarded by an international jury.

Catch a Star Adventurers:

As with Catch a Star Researchers, write about your chosen astronomical topic, but entries do not have to be written in English, and prizes are awarded by lottery.

Catch a Star Artists:

You can also take part by making a drawing or painting for the artwork competition. Prizes are awarded with the help of a public web-based vote.

Competition opens: September 2007
Submission deadline: 29 February 2008

Find out more, including competition rules and entry requirements, on the web at: http://www.eso.org/catchastar/cas2008/

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