The INSPIRE project aims to develop and experiment new teaching methods in the field of math, science and technology (MST). The purpose is to challenge the lack of interest of students to start scientific studies and more widely to extend the supply of scientific specialists and to develop a scientific culture in European countries.
The project has been proposed in the context of the Lisbon agenda to address the strategic objective of quality and effectiveness of education and training systems. The purpose is to improve the education and training of teachers and trainers, to develop key competences for the knowledge society and to ensure access to information and communication technology.
INSPIRE proposes to set up a limited validation observatory where 60 schools in Europe will be proposed to use, test, and analyse new didactical tools in the field of MST. A special attention will be given to the impact of these new teaching methods at the level of pupils and their motivation and on the analysis of the pre-requisites to be defined for enabling the teachers to integrate these new techniques in their pedagogy.
The project will also give a special attention to the critical success factors to be mastered at the level of the teacher and the school for the generalization of such practices.
The project will rely on previous R&D activities and implement several activities such as the provision of a customised version of a dedicated Learning Resource Exchange service in the area of MST and the assessment of the quality of the MST resources proposed. The project will also propose the implementation of three school pilots involving a total of 60 schools and the writing of lessons and propose recommendations, action plan and concrete support for generalizing such an approach.
This project will be coordinated by EUN (European Schoolnet) with the Austrian Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Educonsult (a Belgian educational consultancy) and the Thuringen Institute Teacher Training, Continuous Training and Media as partners.
Contact: Agueda Gras-Velazquez, agueda.gras@eun.org
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