Become Teachtoday Teacher of the Month and win €400
On the occasion of the Insafe network’s Back2school campaign on 8 September 2010, Teachtoday launched a Teacher of the Month competition that will run to 15 January 2011.
The competition is organised by European Schoolnet, in association with the Teachtoday consortium which is led by industry. To enter the competition, teachers across Europe are invited to submit a post on the Teachtoday blog at about an eSafety project they plan to implement or are implementing in their class. The posting can be made in any official EU language.
“Teachers are doing some great things in the classroom”, comments Annie Mullins from Vodafone whose work to promote the responsible use of new technologies was acknowledged when she was honoured with an OBE in 2009.
“We want to showcase their achievements and spread the word to teachers all over Europe who are grappling with similar challenges and issues.”
The Teachtoday blog gives teachers the opportunity to express their opinion, showcase their creativity, share how they deal with eSafety challenges in class and be rewarded for their efforts. Winners of the Teacher of the Month competition receive €400 and the chance to share their project with other education professionals.
Teachtoday is an initiative to help European teachers promote the positive, responsible and safe use of new technologies. For more information about Teachtoday, go to
Further information:
+322 790 7577