Take part in the online survey on space exploration
Since the launch of the first satellite in 1957, space has become a key part of everyday life. Today, thousands of satellites, an international space station and many powerful space telescopes orbit our planet. For a long time, Americans and Russians have led the way in space exploration, but Europeans are also playing a major role. Should we do more?
In order to find out what young Europeans know and think about space activities, Günter Verheugen, Vice President of the European Commission in Brussels, invites young people aged between 6 and 14 living in Europe to participate in this online survey.
The questionnaire can be found in 21 European languages at: http://surveys.publications.europa.eu/formserver/space.
The survey is open from 8 April to 1 June 2009.
Mr. Verheugen is in charge of European Space Research and Industry, and the answers will help him and his colleagues to plan the future direction of European space activities. The results of the survey will be presented at the Conference on Space Exploration in Prague in June 2009.
Children under 13 should ask their parents or guardians to help them answer this questionnaire. No personal data or information will be used.