Science on Stage 2
The "Science on Stage 2" festival will be held at the Europole Congress Centre in Grenoble, France from 2 to 6 April 2007. Offering science teachers from all over Europe an opportunity to exchange successful and innovative teaching ideas and materials, this festival will showcase the very best of today’s science education.
Around 500 science teachers from some 27 countries are expected to take part in this unique European event.
Mr. Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research, will attend this festival which is part of the NUCLEUS project supported by the European Union. Organised by an international steering committee representing the members of the EIROforum (a collaboration between seven European inter-governmental scientific research organisations), it aims to strengthen the awareness and interest of young people in science and technology by increasing the quality and attractiveness of science lessons in school.
The festival programme will propose a combination of fairs, conferences, on-stage activities and workshops.
The activities will raise awareness of best practices in science teaching and identify exceptional teaching projects and outstanding educators in each country. Performances with creative or dramatic elements, series of experiments demonstrated by a teacher and lectures on a science / education-related topic will be presented. Seminars as well as discussion, training and practical workshops will take place.
For the first time, it will also include a round table discussion on “Challenges to Europe : European science education in the future”.
Winners from the "Catch a Star" astronomical competition will be announced during the event. |
Contact and information - To get further information about the festival, visit the official website. - Contact: Physics.on.Stage@esa.int