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School and science museum: training course for teachers and museum educators

The European In-service training course “School and science museum: cooperation for improving teaching, learning and discovery” is aimed at primary school teachers and at museum educators.

The objective of the course is the development of knowledge and competences relative to science education through the use of museums as educational resource.

The second edition, after the great success of the first in 2004, will take place again at the Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany, from 6 to 11 March 2006.

The course will be held by a group of experts from Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary Italy and Spain specialising in museum education, science education, teacher training, research and evaluation, new technologies, and other areas. The course consists of lectures, roundtables, museum visits, interactive workshops and practical activities. The language of the course will be English but the materials used will be available in different languages.

How to participate
School teachers and museum educators who are citizens of countries participating in the Socrates programme can all join the course. The course is inserted in the catalogue of the Socrates Comenius/Grundtvig training courses. Teachers and museum educators interested in participating can find information about the procedures for applying at the websites of the Socrates National Agency of their own country, or at the SMEC project website.

Please also contact Traudel Weber at the Deutches Museum at G.Weber@deutsches-museum.de

Costs and grants
The course participation fee is €600, with a cancellation fee of 100€.

Interested teachers and museum educators have the right to apply for funding of the expenses of the course through Comenius or Grundtvig grants. The maximum Comenius/Grundtvig grant given by the Socrates National Agencies is € 1500, to cover course fees, travel, accommodation and subsistence.

The deadline for the presentation of application forms for the grant is:
- 1 March 2005 for school teachers applying for Comenius 2.2 grants;
- 31 July 2005 for museum educators applying for Grundtvig 3 grants.


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