Life science lab for pupils
The University of Applied Science in Hamburg (Hochschule für andgewandte Wissenschaften - HAW) has set up a biotechnology laboratory for students.
Professor Oliver Ullrich is opening the laboratory on the HAW campus. The aim of the project is to support students from age 17 to 20 years (classes 11-13)in high level courses of chemistry and biology.
The first visits for students will be on September 27 2005 and October 18 2005, when the laboratory will be open from 9am to 4pm CET.
The initiative is part of a half million euro investment spent in creating a 160m² area for molecular biology equipment.
Further information:
Prof. Dr. Oliver Ullrich Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg Fakultät Life Sciences/Studiendepartment Biotechnologie Lohbrügger Kirchstr. 65/21033 Hamburg Telephone: +49.40.428 75-6283; Fax: +49.40.428 75 64 99 E-Mail:
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