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Launch of the Cinema and Science (CISCI) Project – 15 November 2006

How to raise young people interest in studying science?
Created for pupils and teachers, the Cinema and Science (CISCI) project is intended to offer an answer to this question. CISCI will set-up a free online database with video-clips and movie-scenes which illustrate scientific themes and analyze their scientific content from the point of view of different disciplines - physics, chemistry, life sciences or mathematics. The CISCI project will be launched on Wednesday 15 November 2006 in Milan, Italy.

CISCI combines the two most popular media among youngsters, namely movies and the Internet, aiming to stimulate interest in science and innovative teaching methodologies.
This educational project is part of the NUCLEUS-cluster, funded under the European Commission’s Sixth Framework programme, and associated with the European portal Xplora.

The official launch will be hosted by the Università degli Studi di Milano on 15 November from 9.15 am to 2 pm.
This event will be divided into three parts.

  • First, some officials (including Stephen Parker, Head of Sector, DG for Research, European Commission; Enrico Decleva, Rector of the Università degli Studi di Milano; Gianpiero Sironi, Vice-Rector for research, Università degli Studi di Milano and Pasquale Tucci, Università degli Studi di Milano) will welcome the participants and introduce the meeting.
  • Second, three conferences will be organized.
    Agnes Allansdottir, from the Università degli Studi di Siena, will give a lecture addressing the issue: “Ideas and expectations towards science and technology among young Europeans”.
    Then Marisa Michelini, from the Università degli Studi di Udine will talk about “Web contribution t physics education: some proposals from didactic research”. Finally, Heinz Oberhummer, from the Vienna University of Technology will explain in more details the CISCI Project: its objective, structure and case-studies to use in the classroom.
  • Third, a discussion and a workshop will follow, addressed to teachers of scientific disciplines, researchers in education and experts in science education and communication.

Information and registration: Heinz Oberhummer
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