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Inspiring the Next Generation – How to harness the potential of Mathematics, Science and Technology to drive Innovation and Competitiveness in Europe

On 2 October 2008, the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) will organise a multi-stakeholder event for academia, business, government and the teaching profession to determine the feasibility of developing a shared approach for the promotion of Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) in Europe.

Recent educational trends point to a lack of interest in Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) by young students in the EU. ERT has decided to mobilise support for the setting-up of an alliance between schools, industry and governments to promote MST from as early as primary school to encourage interest further up the educational chain. The initiative will unite genuine industry commitment together with a systematic and large scale approach that supports the educational base which sustains European competitiveness.

Potential partners from schools along with leading industry partners and key decision-makers from National and European levels will convene in Brussels at the Résidence Palace for this landmark event. This high-level multi-stakeholder forum will facilitate an exchange of expertise and provide momentum for the design and launch of the ERT initiative to promote mathematics, science and technology in schools. This will provide an opportunity for ERT Member Companies to confirm their commitment to European growth and jobs and to establish industry as a constructive partner in supporting educational initiatives.

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission,
Janez Potočnik , European Commissioner for Science & Research,
Jorma Ollila, ERT Chairman and Chairman Nokia,
Leif Johansson, CEO Volvo.

Thursday 2 October 2008
10.15 – 16.30 (registration from 9.30)

Résidence Palace
Rue de la Loi 155
1040 Brussels

Further information and registration:
European Round Table of Industrialists



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