Hands on Science Conference 2006
The third Hands-on Science annual conference- HSCI’2006, will be held at the Universidade do Minho in Braga, Portugal, from 4 to 9 September 2006, following the success of the previous conferences HSCI’2004 in Ljubljana and HSCI’2005 in Crete, attended by 320 participants from 27 countries on 5 continents, with 133 different presentations.
The aim of the conference is to promote an open broad exchange of experiences on good practice, syllabus and policy matters, social factors and the learning of science and other issues related to Science Education through an enlarged use of hands-on experiments in the classroom. The Conference will provide an ideal opportunity for presenting works related to Science Education. In addition, results from activities developed during the first three years of the Hands-on Science Network will be reported, discussed and conclusions will be established.
Call for papers Proposals are invited for: oral or poster presentations, workshops and group discussions, Comenius 1 and 2 project presentations, hands-on experiments demonstration sessions and Science Fair booths and exhibitions. All accepted contributions will be then published in electronic format and in printed form. Inquiries should be addressed to the Conference Chair: Manuel Filipe Costa, Universidade do Minho, Departmento de Física, email: hsci2006@hsci-pt.com, or mfcosta@fisica.uminho.pt.
Important dates Deadline for abstracts submission: 29 May 2006. Until 24 June late submissions might be accepted depending on space availability and on the quality of the work submitted.
Science fair and robotics festival Schools, research institutions, commercial companies, science clubs, teams, groups of students or teachers and individuals may prepare a booth to present their work at the conference’ science fair.
A major Socrates/Comenius Contact Seminar “Building bridges. Towards an improved Science Education in EU Schools” will be held in parallel to promote the discussion and preparation of new Comenius 1 and Comenius 2 school projects. Informal contacts between participants are considered of utmost importance. An extensive and diversified social and cultural program will be offered.
English is the official language of the conference. Real-time translation will be available for plenary sessions, keynote presentations, several workshops and discussion groups.
More at the conference website: www.hsci.info/hsci2006/index.html
More about the H-Sci network The H-Sci network promotes the development of Science education and scientific literacy. It encourages a generalized use of innovative hands-on experimental approaches to science and technology in-school teaching. In raising the profile and attractiveness of Science in Education, the network aims also to increase the desirability of a career in Science for all. presentations and several workshops and discussion groups.