2007 GIFT Workshop: Geosciences in the City
The 5th edition of the GIFT (Geosciences Information for Teachers) Workshop will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 16-19 April 2007 during the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. It is a unique opportunity for teachers to meet scientists from all over the world. The workshop will be organised around the general theme "Geosciences in the City", a new emerging topic in Earth Sciences, and a timely one, considering that the number of people living in cities now outnumbers that of people living in the country.
"Geosciences in the City" will also be one of the themes of the coming International Year of Planet Earth, a program sustained by UNESCO and different Scientific Institutions throughout the world.
The 2007 GIFT workshop aims to illustrate how anthropogenic, geological and natural factors interact. It is intended to make teachers, students and through them, the general public aware of the complexity of the environmental problems in urban areas.
In the first part of the workshop, the geological and natural setting of cities such as Istanbul, Rome and Shanghai will be discussed, together with the impact of natural hazards on modern towns. The second part will focus on atmospheric pollution linked to high population density and other natural and anthropogenic factors, and the approaches used by urban authorities to moderate them. Classroom activities, information and teaching material will also be at the heart of the workshop. Questions such has “How to make your students aware of these problems" and "how to stimulate reduction of energy consumption to a minimum” will be addressed. You will be proposed a guided tour of the Vienna Museum of Natural Sciences.
More information Contact: Elmar Uherek Visit the website