Comenius course: Design of on-line/blended learning sequences for integrated teaching of Science, Mathematics and CLIL
The main objetive of this course is to familiarize participants with examples of good practice in Science, Mathematics and CLIL teaching and to learn how to develop an on-line course using the Moodle open source platform.
Recent EU reports show an alarming decline in the interest and recruitment of young people into Science and Mathematics studies at a European level. On the other hand, the Rocard report stresses the need to change the way in which science teachers are working. Finally, more educational centres are moving towards open-source software and collaborative IT tools and CLIL based approaches.
Taking into account this context ISSUE Comenius 2.1 project is organising a European course "Design of on-line/blended learning sequences for integrated teaching of Science, Mathematics and CLIL” in Alicante, Spain on 14 -18 July.
The course is published in the Comenius -Grundtvig Training Database with the reference "ES-2008-190-001" and it will be held at Alicante University (a beautiful mediterranean city).
The course will be divided in three type of sessions: plenary sessions about teacher professional development in EU, workshop computer sessions and "hands on" working groups activities.
More detailed information about the course: