Wallace and Gromit call on primary schools in the UK
Is your school ready to meet the Great Vegetable Challenge? Win £2,500 to develop a growing area in your school plus a visit from Wallace and Gromit! The Great Vegetable Challenge competition is a collaboration between the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Growing Schools programme and Wallace and Gromit creators Aardman Animations Ltd, and coincides with the launch of the fantastic new full length feature film "Wallace and Gromit - Curse of the Were-Rabbit" released in cinemas across Europe in autumn.
The competition is open to all foundation settings and primary schools in England and aims to discover the best vegetable plots/growing areas in schools throughout the country.
How to take part Schools are invited to submit and A3 sized design showing their ideas for an ideal new growing space or expansion of an existing one within their schools grounds. All schools must register on the Growing Schools website (www.teachernet.gov.uk/growingschools) where they can download entry forms and terms and conditions. The closing date for entries is 16 December 16 2005. All registered schools will receive a supporting teachers resource pack and fantastic wall planner to guide them through the growing year.
The Prizes Two prizes of £2,500 for school grounds development will be awarded to the winning school from each section. The winning schools will also be visited by the Wallace and Gromit Anti Pesto van for a fun Wallace and Gromit surprise as well as advice from a Growing Schools advisor. Four runners up (two from each section) will receive £500 for school grounds development plus a gardening pack worth £500.
What is the Growing Schools’ programme ? The ‘Growing Schools’ programme began in 2001. It aims to encourage and inspire all schools to use the ‘outdoor classroom’ as a context for learning for pupils of all ages and abilities across the curriculum. A key strand is to encourage learning about the outdoor environment through first hand experience of growing, farming and the countryside - within and beyond the school.
For further information, visit www.teachernet.gov.uk/growingschools