SkyWatch 2007: an International Astronomy Contest
Supported by European Schoolnet (EUN) and European Distance E-learning Network (EDEN), SkyWatch 2007 is an international astronomy competition organized within the framework of the DSpace project (e-Ten program of the European Commission). Participants (high-school students, teachers, researchers or amateur astronomers) are invited to design, develop and implement projects and activities with the use of the Robotic Telescopes.
Who can participate? The competition is open to three age-groups. Some characteristics (contest topics, evaluation criteria and presentation format) are common for each age range but there will be nine final winners, three from each group. The groups are identified according to perceptual abilities and educational level: students under 15 years old; students between 15 and 18 years old, and adults (teachers, researchers, amateur astronomers). Participants can enter the contest either individually or in pairs.
Entries Participants are asked to use the database of astronomical observations conducted by the telescopes of the D-Space network of observatories in order to design, develop and implement projects and activities to express their ideas and seek for answers to scientific issues.
The submitted projects have to deal with topics in one of the following thematic areas: - the sun (sun as a star, solar rotation); - planets and moons (characteristics of a planet, characteristics of the surface of the moon); - asteroids (characteristics of asteroids, rotation of asteroids); - birth and death of stars (birth of stars, death of stars); - galaxies (characteristics of normal galaxies).
Prizes The 9 winners will be invited in Athens to attend the D-Space International Conference “Advanced Technologies in Education”, on January 26-27 2007. The best projects will be presented and awarded with special prizes. Winners will be also granted access to the D-Space network of Robotic Telescopes for one year.
How to take part? In order to participate, you must go to the competition website, fill the registration form and submit your project through the online submission form by 20 November 2006.
Important dates at a glance - Deadline of submissions (1st phase): 20 November 2006 - Announcement of the 30 best projects: 22 November 2006 - Deadline of final submissions (second phase, 30 best projects only): 12 January 2007 - Announcement of the 9 best projects: 15 January 2007
More information To find more details about the rules of the contest, examples of good practice, information about last year’s winners, submission forms and details of the competition please visit the contest website.
Click here to download the leafet of the competition.