Impact your Environment
The school competition 'Impact your Environment' is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission to find a new, memorable name for the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative. The new name has to be understood in all 25 EU Member States as well as in Norway and Switzerland without being translated.
Vice President Günter Verheugen of the European Commission decided to hold this school competition that underlines the will of the EU to associate young Europeans in the selection of the name fro a new European programme: the aim is to encourage their feeling of European citizenship while bringing them on board this European initiative that is foreseen to improve their future environment and security.
How to take part The first step to participate to this competition is to register on the dedicated website before end of June 2006. Those who have registered will receive in early September, the GMES school kit containing a leaflet for teachers, a poster for the classroom and a CDROM with a film illustrating different services that will be part of GMES. They will then have up to the end of October 2006 to submit one name. A jury composed of international experts will select the winning entry.
What is there to win? To keep the team spirit, the winning class and its teacher will be rewarded with a trip on a hot air-balloon over its region. This flight will be made in presence of European personalities.
More about GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is a European initiative that will provide the information necessary to monitor and forecast the environment. It represents a concerted effort to bring data and information providers together with users, so they can better understand each other and make environmental and security-related information available to the people who need it through enhanced or new services. More at:
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