Top 100 selection for the eLearning Awards 2005
After a long and careful evaluation of the almost 800 entries to the eLearning Awards 2005, the Top 100 selection for the eLearning Awards 2005 has been announced.
More than 30 European countries and over 20 languages are represented. You can find the list on the website at: pub/elearningawards2005/gallery/top100.htm
Congratulations to those who made it and commiserations to the many good projects that missed out this time.
Please note that, as stated in the rules, no discussion will be entered into regarding the inclusion or exclusion of projects in this shortlist.
Seven finalists will be selected from the Top 100 and invited to attend the award ceremony in Paris on 8 December.
The eLearning Awards target schools at different levels, teacher training centers, and also cater to the needs of different types of learners.
eLearning Awards and European Schoolnet European Schoolnet organises the eLearning awards for the fifth time in 2005. The eLearning Awards aim at identifying and awarding excellent practice in using ICT for learning. A category specifically aimed at mathematics and science teaching is offered by Intel.
Awards are given to ongoing or recently finalised educational projects and activities. The idea is not to do something for the eLearning Awards but to submit what you do to the awards. The Intel award for mathematics and science is open to all levels of teaching, whether primary, secondary or teacher training.