Online course “Earth in the Universe” awarded
The online course “Earth in the Universe” was awarded with the Telefonica 02 award for mathematics and science in the 2007 eLearning Awards contest. The course has been designed as a way of delivering the astronomy content within a Science course to be used with students 10-14 years old.
"Earth in the Universe" is a result from the research and development carried out in the ISSUE project (Comenius 2.1).
The nucleus of the course is the place of Earth in the Universe. The content is organised using a “from near to far away” scheme: from everyday observations of Sun above the horizon to the description of celestial bodies which compounds the Universe. All units in the online course share a similar layout and navigation. Activities within those units include running flash simulation activities, visiting websites, self-testing exercises, online quizzes and tests, and group collaborations (forums, surveys and data base).
In order to visit the course a fake account has been created (username=password=st1) on