Take part in the Development Youth Prize 2007 and win a trip to Africa!
Young people aged 16-18 from around Europe are invited to participate by submitting a piece of artwork which for them best highlights the impact of environmental change on developing countries. Their creative vision can help raise awareness among fellow pupils, teachers, families and others.
African countries face some of the biggest challenges in the developing world. The sub-Saharan area in particular faces huge challenges in the areas of climate change, water and energy and sustainable tourism that are highlighted as themes in this year's Development Youth Prize. Many developing countries worldwide are affected by global warming and fresh and clean water access is a major problem.
Apart from a two-day prize-giving event in Brussels winning students and their teachers will be invited to accompany the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel, to an African country. In April 2007 the winners of last year's edition went for a five-day trip to Rwanda. They will visit development cooperation projects working in the education sector, including relevant initiatives from the EU Member States as well as the Commission. In this way, the pupils will be able to transmit messages about climate change to the projects in Africa.
The deadline for the competition is 31 March 2008.
Further information and last year’s winning entries: http://www.dyp2007.org/ww/en/pub/dyp2007/homepage.htm http://www.dyp2006.org/ww/en/pub/dev_youth_prize/join_us/winners.htm