The 6th eLearning Awards is now open for schools
The eLearning Awards is Europe’s premier competition rewarding excellent use of new technologies by schools.
Over €200,000 has been awarded to schools since it was first organised in 2000.
Schools are invited to submit their projects to the 2006 competition via the eLearning Awards website. All entries are showcased in the project gallery. The deadline for entries is 13 October 2006.
The Awards include a main category for the ‘Best use of ICT’ as well as awards for Mathematics, Science, Culture and Whole class teaching.
The Awards are open to all schools in all European countries. Last year the winner of the main category was IES Ronda from Lleida in Spain. They picked up a cheque for €5,000 and a crystal trophy at a glittering ceremony held in Paris in December 2005.
The eLearning Awards are an initiative of European Schoolnet and the competition is supported by several partners. Young Digital Planet, a developer and publisher of interactive educational software, is the principal partner for the third time. Piotr Mroz, board member at Young Digital Planet, said: “We firmly believe that the introduction of information and communication technologies in everyday school practice will help pupils learn more effectively and in a more attractive way. We encourage all schools to share their experiences and submit their initiatives to the eLearning Awards.” Other partners include Intel, Promethean, Oracle and Michael.
Winners will be invited to a gala ceremony which will take place during European Schoolnet’s 10th Anniversary Conference in Belgium in December 2006.
Full information can be found on the website at: