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Improving teacher education in Maths and Science: ITEMS has started

ITEMS, a new project aiming to improve the competencies of Mathematics and Science teachers has just started. ITEMS (Improving Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science) focuses on developing on-line modules for secondary school students in Maths and Science, and organising training courses for teachers to use these modules in the classroom. Consequently, the project aims to enhance students’ achievement and interest in science. The modules will be published on the project website http://itemspro.net/ which was launched during the kick-off meeting at the end of February in Alacant, Spain.

The central objective of this two-year project is to develop a framework aimed at driving up standards of teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics. This will be done by improving teachers’ competencies and setting up the conditions for a change in teacher practice towards a more inquiry based model.

The following steps will be carried out:

1. Design and develop on-line modules (Integrated Teaching Elearning Modules, ITEMs) for secondary school students in Science and Mathematics using a new model of course production.

2. Organise a set of Training Teachers Courses (TTC) aimed at familiarising teachers in the management of the ITEMs in a classroom environment using an on-line/blended approach.

3. Establish a joint infrastructure in order to facilitate sustainable accessibility to the ITEMS approach to schools as well as the exchange of scientific information.

4. Monitor the dissemination, impact measurements and the quality assessment of the project within an Open Access environment.

ITEMS is funded with support from the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme, and it is a partnership between four public institutions: two teacher training institutions, CEFIRE from Spain and Second Level Support Service (SLSS) from Ireland and two High Schools, Gimnazija Poljane from Slovenia and Gymnasium Isernhagen from Germany. The project relies on the cooperation of European Schoolnet.

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