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European Pupils Magazine is looking for new writers

EPM (European Pupils Magazine) is an international periodical about the History of Science and Technology, written by European students aged from 14 to 19. Students have an opportunity to write articles about a great number of scientific arguments treated from a historical point of view. Currently EPM is looking for writers for its new issue. Participant pupils and teachers can win a trip to EPMeeting held in one of the project countries.

European Pupils Magazine is the main outcome of a “COMENIUS 2.1” course about H.S.T. (History of Science and Technology) in 2001, in Hull, Great Britain. Every contribution for the magazine leads to the creation and the continuous enhancement of a scientific database having good didactic usage as much as correct technical language, simple enough to be better understood by their peers.

For this reason, the pupils play a key role in the European Editorial Board and are involved in each phase of the project. The produced material can be used by teachers as starting point for wider connection with other school subjects.

As Ernst Mach said:

“Historical studies on the developing of a subject are indispensable, if you do not want the principles to become misunderstood ideas or dogma.”

So, in the course of the scientific-cultural education of the young people, it is important:

  • To learn a scientific method;
  • To know scientific theories and their evolution;
  • To study the consequences of scientific and technological discoveries in a historical and critical way;
  • To acquire a historical-critical vision of scientific subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, etc…);
  • To perform original and useful researches.

To reach these targets, every year The EPM Board edits three issues: in April, August, and December. Furthermore, EPM has created the official website (www.epmagazine.org) and a few mirror ones (see the list below) which allow a capillary diffusion of the issues. In addition, once a year, the EPM Board produces a multimedia CD-ROM with the collection of the published contributions.

EPM websites:

Further information:
Write an article and take part in the EPM Award Competition!

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