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Discovery Days

The aim of the project is to present the vision for the future operation of museums, science centres and thematic parks and to give to the wider public the opportunity to experience the new technological achievements during their visits in those places.

A rich collection of examples of futuristic scenarios and visions will be presented and discussed in detail. These will offer a glimpse of a future in which visitors could explore worlds and cultures beyond their own, both in distance and time, as if they were there. The Discovery Days project intends to introduce several pan-European escalating science and cultural celebration initiatives, which will reach their peak during the European Science Week 2007. These initiatives will consist of two main categories of activities, (i) Realisation of 8 Discovery Days in several European Cities (Each Discovery Day includes demonstrations of advanced technological applications in real environments, workshops of specific subjects of general interest and special events focusing to young visitors of the museums and the science centres), (ii) An International three day Conference during the European Science Week 2007.

Discovery Days project aims to demonstrate to visitors (especially young people) of museums and science centres the opportunities advanced technologies are offering in order to improve their experiences during the visit. The visitor will have the opportunity to experience the phenomena presented in their own terms, freely choosing what to attend to and interact with, depending on their prior knowledge, interest and expertise. An Integrated Publicity Campaign covering 28 European and other Countries will be implemented. At least 50,000 visitors (including the “Virtual Visitors”)of science centres, parks and museums are estimated to get involved in the proposed activities while 300 participant will attend the three day International Conference as the Final event during the European Science Week 2007.

Website: http://www.ea.gr/ep/discoveryDays/
Contact: Menelaos Sotiriou - sotiriou@qplan.gr
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