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Content Partners

In addition to the main partners in Nucleus, including the research labs and museums, Xplora has a number of content partners. These partners contribute high quality content to the portal. If your organisation is interested in becoming a content partner, please contact Johanna Snellman.

Planet Science, UK

Planet Science brings fun and science together in games, features, competitions, teaching resources and e-newsletters. It's for everyone from young children and their parents to science teachers. It's free and fully funded by NESTA, the UK's National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts.


TryScience.org is an exciting gateway to experience contemporary science and technology through on and offline interactivity with science and technology centers worldwide.
TryScience is brought to you through a partnership between IBM Corporation, the New York Hall of Science (NYHOS), the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), and over 600 science centers worldwide.
The site offers interactive science content, adventures, hands-on and online activities, online visits to science centres, webcams and more.
It has a section in English dedicated to teachers for helping them to integrate these science resources into the classroom activities and also some information for parents to make science useful for the whole family. The site is run in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese.

International Polar Foundation, Belgium

The International Polar Foundation – IPF is an international organisation which aims at communicating and educating on the reality of climate change through the findings of Polar sciences. One of the main activities of IPF is related to science education: IPF develops supports and encourages innovative educational projects and materials to stimulate a positive public attitude towards polar science and action on climate change.

Virtual Physics Laboratory, National Taiwan Normal University, China

This academic group focuses on the important topic of "Conceptual Learning of Science". They offer hundreds of physics related java simulations for ludo-educational activities. Enjoy the fun of physics!

Bionet Online, Europe

BIONET is produced by 8 European science centres and museums and by ECSITE. The website focuses on new discoveries in life sciences, and invites visitors to explore the science and debate the issue.

Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development, Europe

Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development (SEED), is focused on students aged 10- to 18-years old. Established as a non-profit organization in 1998, the SEED philosophy is founded on generosity. A volunteer-based program, it is an avenue for Schlumberger's workforce to share their passion for science, technology and learning with youth. Current projects include water, pollution and food and nutrition - for a full list of projects, see: http://www.seed.slb.com/en/things_to_do/projects/index.htm#projects

SEED also offers a Teacher's Corner:

Maths for More, Spain

Maths for More is a mathematical software company based in Barcelona. Our main goal is to offer advanced calculation and presentation tools for mathematics education with emphasis on Internet technology solutions. We are the responsible for WIRIS, a software suite of tools for mathematics education. The most relevant member of this family is WIRIS CAS, a multilingual on-line platform for mathematics calculation and contents.

BioNet eV, Germany

BioNet eV is a German non-profit organisation, supporting the use of ICT in teaching science. The focus of BioNet is science teaching via database projects, which involve outdoor scientific observations combined with a computer lab activity, where students feeding their results into the project database.

ALF - Accendiamo La Fantasia, Italy

ALF – Accendiamo La Fantasia - is an Italian association, which runs a project with teachers and pupils from different Italian schools (Viareggio, Osimo, Quarto (Napoli), Grosseto e Valverde). The goal of the project is to involve teachers and pupils together in using ICT and participation tools to learn and share educational experiences. The project runs two different forums – one for the primary and another for the secondary school – and it proposes many activities to play and learn about fractals. Alfitalia is currently providing a nice Italian translation for some Xplora content. Have a look at the Sunset Project translation and at the Italian introduction to the Xplora Knoppix DVD!

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