Palmira Ronchi teaches maths in a technical high school for programmers in Bari (ITCS Vivante, Italy) and also works part-time in pre-service teacher training courses at the University of Bari. Her background and interests are in the fields of mathematics, open source software and the use of new technologies for education, including distance education.
She has worked as a tutor on various training and online courses organised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. She collaborates with INDIRE - the Italian National Institute of Documentation for Innovation and Educational Research - as an expert for the didactic software evaluation and as learning object author for Puntoedu teachers training courses platform.
In the recent years, she has taken part in a OCSE “ Case studies of ICT and school improvement in Italy” and in an european project as coordinator of the Mathematics Department of Virtual school. In January 2006 her European mathematics school project “Crop circle challenge” won the Etwinning first prize in the digital resources category.