> About
> Teachers
> Xplora Teachers group
> Luciana Avancini Lombardi
Luciana Avancini Lombardi
She has been primary school teacher since 1980 and she is also teachers trainer. She has been involved in local educational projects with some municipalities and provinces in Toscana (Italy). From 2003 on, she has been participating to the Italian trainings for new Technologies (TIC) and for school reforming laws, organized by INDIRE (MIUR), as e-tutor of specific “blended e-learning” training courses, within Lucca and Pisa provinces. She is president of ALF-Accendiamo La Fantasia, a cultural association with no lucrative purposes and legally recognized, which intends to promote a proper use of new technologies in the school context. ALF is realizing an interdisciplinary project for the schools (and not only) and also interconnected courses in informatics, english, arts, maths and other disciplines. ALF is also providing Italian translation of some Xplora projects. She is web designer, web architect and webmaster for these sites: ALF ( and Marco Polo – Viani (