J. Benito Búa Ares
He has a Bachelor in Mathematics. He teaches mathematics in a secondary school in Galicia-Spain and his main teaching interests are related to the use of ICT in math classes. He strongly believes in the use of computer tools for boosting the interests in maths at schools. At the moment he is involved in eTwinning and Minerva projects related to GeoGebra, an open source software. He has begun his collaboration projects being coordinator of a maths teachers working-group about trigonometry. Previously, he was involved in Comenius school projects related to maths and other sciences topics as well as in other eTwinning and Minerva projects. Another specific field of interest is the role of Mathematics in the Educational Systems and international mathematics test: he has written articles, for a maths teachers magazine, about mathematics at secondary school in France, Italy and Ireland. He has presented a report, at a science teachers congress in Galicia, proposing an initial evaluation withinfirst courses of secondary school, according to the TIMSS-95 test model. Now, he is setting an original test for evaluating students at their first year of secondary school.
Activities and websites: http://www.vivante.it/com@net/spaingalicia.html http://centros.edu.xunta.es/iesramoncabanillas/cropcircles/cropcircles_sp.htm http://centros.edu.xunta.es/iesdemeano/Actividades/Comenius/comenius.htm http://centros.edu.xunta.es/iesdemeano/Actividades/Comenius/comenius_02.htm http://centros.edu.xunta.es/iesramoncabanillas/comenius/seccmate.htm http://www.geocities.com/avaliacion